A New Beginning?

Foetry fans and others,

With some trepidation, I started this Post Foetry blog because I believe that Foetry's work is important and should continue in some form. Alan Cordle, founder of Foetry, and Matt Koeske worked very hard on the Foetry forum, but life goes on and people burn out.

Maybe Foetry itself burned out. Maybe Post Foetry will burn out even before it's truly launched.

With that in mind, I would like Post Foetry to consist of a blogging team; this is not a "call for bloggers" per se; I have some people in mind, Foetry members, and I will be emailing them soon.

However, this blog will be open to moderated comments. It's not that I wish to squash opposing viewpoints--I just need to eliminate spambots and comments that could get me sued.

So we'll see how it goes.

On another topic...

I keep getting junk mail from literary organizations who want me to join as a member. Today's invitation was from Poets House, an organization located in New York City. It touts a library and offers "a place for congenial conversation and socialility."

For $40.00, I'll "receive free admission to Poets House programs, discounted tickets to special events, a Poetry Advocate lapel pin and a collectible Poets House Haiku Pencil."

The problem is, I live 150 + miles from New York City. If I get there once a year, that is a lot. I can't afford NYC, and I don't have a lot of money to burn on memberships.

Where do these people get my name?

Best to all,