I'm thinking of setting up a simple forum for Post Foetry; I have already looked into a forum template called "Simple Machines," but I haven't set up anything yet. I'm not sure how much more tech information I can stuff into my head, but I'm willing to try.
I would like a Post Foetry forum to be a place where members could vent (pro and con), submit tips on foets, AND discuss new ideas, whatever that means. It probably won't be a copy of Foetry, which reflected Alan and Matt's unique styles, but it won't be censored either (except for spam and libelous stuff that could land me in court).
This blog would stay up--I'm discovering that I enjoy blogging.
Also, I have set up a Flash Fiction Project web site (which hasn't been advertised yet), and I think a Post Foetry forum would be a good place to start a thread where writers could post their own flash fiction pieces. I am also contemplating a Poetry Project thread and a Flash Memoir Project.
I have set up The Flash Fiction Project Blog, but it is at a very elementary stage; I'm thinking that a forum might be a better place for self-posting of creative work, but I could still post pieces that we admire and like on the FFP blog.
Anyway, to gauge possible interest, I have set up a poll.
I hope you all vote!
Best, Bugzita