Dear David W. Fenza,
Thank you for your interest in my money.
It is certainly admirable that AWP is working so hard for its membership by increasing your "honoraria" for your contributing writers.
In addition, I am quite certain that your numerous prizes are helping out many new writers, although I, as a totally non-connected "emerging writer," have not personally benefited from your award programs.
However, I have, in the past, often "donated" to these programs.
I am particularly puzzled by your assertion that you "have provided a supportive network and community for writers who often feel isolated in their devotion to a difficult and lonely art."
Hummm. I don't remember any AWP representative reaching out to me in any way, except at renewal time and during times of your organization's own financial need.
You probably do introduce "many writers to one another"--I believe it is called the yearly AWP Conference.
"We live in a silly, vulgar, and destructive culture," you write so stridently. I agree 100% with this statement.
It's silly, vulgar, and destructive when your organization and Poets and Writers turn a blind eye to--and even support--the current non-transparent contest model perpetuated by esteemed universities and literary journals.
If the writing community were truly interested in rising above our vulgar culture, it would work toward developing a strong code of ethics for fee-based literary contests and the general awarding of literary prizes funded by federal and state tax money.
Fee-based contests should offer a level playing field for all entrants and should never be weighted to pump up the academic careers of well-connected mediocre writers.
After careful review, I'm afraid I must pass on your plea for my money; should your organization decide to take action on what is really good for the profession, then I will reconsider my financial decision.
Good wishes,
Jennifer Semple Siegel