Writer's Guidelines
No pornographic or religious verse,
no nature writing; we prefer no rhyme,
no Hallmark stuff—but Sci-Fi’s even worse.
Cover letters: businesslike and terse.
Send three to five submissions at a time;
no pornographic or religious verse.
So, don’t tell that one about the nurse,
or mention God. Subvert the paradigm!
No Hallmark stuff, but Sci-Fi’s even worse.
Buy a subscription; really, you could do worse.
Emerging writers show up all the time.
No pornographic or religious verse—
sex is okay; be cautious with a curse.
Critical trend awareness is sublime.
No Hallmark stuff, but Sci-Fi’s even worse.
Contest winners receive a modest purse.
Just write from the heart and you’ll be sure to climb.
No pornographic or religious verse,
no Hallmark stuff; but Sci-Fi’s even worse.
A former architect and graphic designer, Courtney Druz now spends her time as a mother of two and poet in New Jersey.